The                      of your brand experience is the magnetizing agent that draws in                      

It’s the thing that stop you in your tracks, that causes your breath to catch in your throat — it creates a physical sensation in the body that communicates on your brand’s behalf before you even say a word, helping those that experience it know almost instantly if your brand is a match for them, their values, and what they’re looking for. When that kind of experience is backed by the incomparable value and service of your offering, you create an unforgettable experience that will create a loyal community of supporters who will generously and excitedly recommend your work everywhere they go. Investing in this kind of experience is not only a smart strategic move on your part but a generous offering to your customers.

apply now

your people.

look & feel

The Package

how-to tutorials

A ShowIt tutorial showing you how to use & edit your site moving forward.

simplified branding suite

Typographic logo, logomark, color palette, font selection + design deck.

5 page customized showit website

Homepage, offerings, about, contact, and salespage (or page of choosing).

brand strategy call

A 60 minute kick off call to dive into brand essence + visual direction.

design strategy call

A 30-60 minute call to strategize website flow, layout, automation, & design.

creative consulting for 1 week

Creative consulting & collaboration via Voxer during our time together.

launch support for 1 week

Light consulting + support as needed in the week following completion via Voxer.

A thoughtful + considered website transforms an exchange into an experience.

communicate before ever saying a word

I'm not here to tell you that you must have a beautiful website or expensive branding to run a successful business – there are plenty of examples of thriving businesses that have unsightly, outdated, or even nonexistent websites and branding. However, the brands that have invested in a website experience that reflects their value and essence turn their customers into loyal + raving fans because care and thoughtfulness can be felt in every interaction. You save yourself time and money in the long-run by calling in the right people, strategically optimizing your time and effort, and intentionally directing people to where they will best be served. An elevated experience also means you can increase your prices, if desired, because the customer experience, the ethos of your brand, and the value being offered feel congruent across all touchpoints.

I have a particular taste for linen and denim, white walls and natural hues, clean lines and organic textures, coffee and wine, poetic words and inappropriate humor. My greatest desire is to live in artful expression of my human experience creating beauty in any way I can – from my own home to the outfits I put together to the digital homes I design to the words I write and share. As an intuitive and feeling-based designer and creative, I care deeply about doing justice to the heart-held visions of other creatives and small businesses so they may be felt and experienced by the people they are meant to reach.

Welcome! I'm Natalie –
a mother, writer, and an intuitive web designer bringing to life the beauty of the unseen.

A shorter timeline means you keep momentum going, act quickly & efficiently, and start reaching your people and making money in a very short time frame.

If you struggle with follow through & finishing things, our collaboration will keep you focused & accountable so we can move quickly instead of dragging things out.

The mental load that will be lifted by having this completed in one week means your brain, creativity, & time will be freed up to focus on the things you do best.

Working in close collaboration allows us to creatively and strategically problem solve along the way – consider me your creative sounding board.

We circumvent the problem of inefficiency, delays, distractions, & losing steam by deciding on a focused block of one week together. 

it's the meeting place between aesthetics & action

Why a website
in a          




Client Clarity


Translating the vision you have within you into a felt experience for your audience can be more challenging than anticipated. I’m here to help you create a visual presence that finally feels like what you envision in your mind. 

I specialize in crafting elevated, spacious, thoughtful online spaces for creative entrepreneurs & heart-led small businesses. My design process is intuitive & feeling-based with a keen eye given to the tiny little details you think don’t matter, but impact the whole experience. Let’s create a brand experience that is not only beautiful, but moving, effective, & fruitful.

creating coherence between your inner vision & the outer experience of your audience

The Process

Design Week


Wrap Up




After you fill out the application & we  decide we’re ready to begin working together, you will complete the following:

receive link to client portal where client homework can be accessed

sign contract

get deposit paid to secure booking date

book start date

Design Week

Client Clarity



Wrap Up




Design Week

Client Clarity



Wrap Up


To streamline the process, I collect everything that I'll need from you upfront. Before our week together begins, you will need to complete the following:

upload brand photos

brand questionnaire

pinterest board

create privacy policy



Design Week

Client Clarity



Wrap Up


Once I have everything from you & we reach our start date, design week begins! This is the general flow of things:

Day 5

domain transfer

finishing touches + links

Day 4

contact page

salespage (or other)

Day 6-7

buffer days to use as needed

Day 2

homepage design

design strategy call

Day 1

simplified branding suite

brand strategy call

offerings page

Day 3

about page



Design Week

Client Clarity



Wrap Up


At the end of our week together, we will do a full site check to make sure everything is working as it should and I will deliver the following:

folder with final deliverables

final website reveal

logo files

design deck

tutorials on how to use & edit site

Frequently Asked Questions

can you really create branding in a day?

Yes! You may be more familiar with branding processes that take months to complete – there is certainly a time and place for that! But truthfully, most of us service providers just don't need overly complicated or extensive branding when there aren't physical products involved. For this offer, I take you through a simplified microbranding exercise where we nail down a brand identity that feels beautiful, elevated, and completely you in just a day. We simplify the process by using a typographic logo that is still unique and reflective of the look and feel you want to convey while also taking a holistic view of your brand experience – meaning, we look at more than just the logo. It's the interplay of fonts, colors, logo, imagery, spacing, layout, site flow, and more. The way we curate and display the various elements of your brand on your site is just as important (if not more important) than the elements themselves.

Think of your branding like a classic white t-shirt. It's simple, timeless, and adaptable to a variety of outfits. The vibe you give off when wearing it is entirely determined by the pieces you style it with. It can completely fall flat or turn heads depending on how its worn. This also means that your branding can adapt alongside you as you evolve over the years.


what if i need help with copy or any of the client homework?

If you have no idea where to start with this and need someone to walk you through it, you can add on my Creative Direction Package where we walk through this process together in an expedited time frame. It will add one week to our timeline, making it a 2-week process.

I am not a professional copywriter, but writing is my first love so if you need help weaving your words in a way that is representative of your brand and includes the essential aspects of your brand story, we will work on this collaboratively. I can also assist with creative direction for a brand photoshoot (which I HIGHLY recommend) or curating images your already have with elevated stock photos that match the vibe of your brand.

The Creative Direction add on is for anyone who doesn't feel confident in delivering their copy, images, or privacy policy on their own without some creative assist along the way.

This package is currently only available to add on to the Website in a Week service and is an added investment of $1,500.


what if I don't have any brand photos?

High quality, on brand images are absolutely essential to successfully creating a website that conveys and communicates your brand essence and attracts the right people.

I highly recommend a brand photoshoot! It truly takes everything to the next level and puts the unique experience of you and your brand front and center so it can be felt by your audience. If you need assistance finding a photographer or establishing a creative direction for the shoot, this is something I can help with in the Creative Direction Package add-on (see previous question).

I know that not everyone has the budget for a brand shoot so if you have other images we can use, that could potentially work. iPhone images supplemented with elevated stock photos can totally suffice at times if they are done well and curated correctly. Again, this is something I can help with in the Creative Direction Package add-on if you need assistance with it.

If you have some photos but aren't sure if they'll be adequate, feel free to send me an email or DM and we can chat!



Yes, absolutely! These services can be added on for an additional fee and any add-ons will be discounted at 10% off if you're adding on to the Website in a Week Package. Please indicate what other projects you may need assistance with on the application form.



I totally get it – I actually learned web design because it was something I could never afford in the beginning. I am currently working on some affordable workshops that can walk you through the process and give you some design advice along the way for those of you that need go to the DIY route but still want things to feel elevated and unique.

If you're interested in staying in the loop when those are released, you can jump on the waitlist here.


does my website have to be build on showit?

I highly recommend it, but if there is some reason you are convicted about staying on your current platform, we can chat about it! This package is built around ShowIt so the pricing and timeline may need to be adjusted if we decide to move forward on a different platform.


do you offer payment plans?

Yes! You can pay the full rate of $3,000 in full or opt to pay two payments of $1,600. The first payment will be due to secure your start date and the second will be due 30 days after the original date.


I'm always amazed at how clearly you can see people! It's such a freaking gift, I hope you know how special it is. You're an incredible mirror! Thank you thank you thank you. It's such fresh inspo for me to work with.

apply now

jillian bremer

Website in a Week


Everything in the Website in a Week Package 

Asistance + collaboration with writing copy

Creative Direction for brand photoshoot

Website in a Week +
Creative Direction

2 weeks of creative direction + collaboration


apply here

Curation of current and/or stock images

Guidance around generating a privacy policy

5 page customized ShowIt website with basic SEO

Brand Strategy + Design Strategy Calls

Simplified Branding Suite

Tutorials on how to use & edit site going forward

1 week of Creative Consulting via Voxer

1 week of launch support after completion date

The Price

When you put together an outfit with the right pieces in a way that feels completely and totally you, people notice. Your website has the same effect. It has the ability to stop people in their tracks, to pique their curiosity, and to make them want to dive even deeper because they don't want to leave. You shift out of having to convince people to buy and into people feeling compelled to buy.

Your website is like the outfit you wear when you walk into a room.

work with me

Here's a peek at some of the work I've done for other amazing women.

clean, elevated, spacious design

Have questions or want to chat before applying? Feel free to email me at or DM me on Insta here!