dis | connect


a 7 day email series guiding you into the unknown

DIS | CONNECT is an immersion into you. Reclaim your attention, reconnect with yourself, and renew your life force so you can return to social media with fresh energy and supportive boundaries based on what you desire your experience to be. You'll receive 7 days of emails, each day with a prompt on something to notice,  something to try, and something to reflect on.


7 days of emails

guided daily prompts: notice, try, reflect

beautiful notion portal to immerse yourself in reflection

resources to support your experience

I know that the idea of taking a week long social media break sounds great, but the reality of it can actually feel quite confronting.

Instagram, and social media in general, can be such a beautiful thing. It’s the very reason I have this business and it’s how I met a number of my most cherished friends. However, we all the know the feeling of mindlessly opening the app to numb ourselves from overwhelm, avoid the things our soul is calling us to step courageously into, or turn off our brains in a paradoxical situation where we end up stimulating them even more causing ourselves to feel wired instead of relaxed.

Social media and much of the internet at large can sometimes feel like an insidious thing because of the way it’s intentionally designed to capture and keep our attention. The truth is, we get to determine the nature of our relationship with it. How we approach it and use it will greatly influence how we feel after engaging with it.

This 7 day email series was designed for anyone feeling too connected to everyone else’s lives and disengaged from their own. 

When was the last time you really saw the glimmer in your child's eye? When was the last time you felt at ease or unrushed? When was the last time you picked up an actual book for nothing other than pleasure? When was the last time you lingered a little longer in your intimacy? When was the last time you looked all the way to the top of the trees? When was the last time you indulged in the sweetness of sensuality? When was the last time you noticed yourself breathing? When was the last time you heard your intuition?

These are things we all want and tend to romanticize in our minds. However, unless we actually choose to live these things out in real life, they will never amount to an actual experience. In our distracted state, we often feel an underlying sense of hurriedness that doesn't leave much room for awakening the senses or taking the time to choose these things. And yet, the act of choosing these things - these small, intimate moments when no one is looking - is what ultimately and cumulatively builds our sense of happiness and fulfillment over time.

dis | connect

My hope is that this series will offer a clearer sense of direction, a deeper process of inquiry, observation. and contemplation, and a re-engagement with the beauty of your own life.

This was created because I’ve witnessed, both in myself and in others, a desire and a knowing that a break is needed only to be quickly followed by a hesitancy to jump into that void.

What will I miss out on? What will emerge from the gap it leaves? What will I have to look at within myself? Will I discover just how distracted I’ve actually been? What if I get bored? Will I become irrelevant or forgotten about?

It can trigger a lot of fears and make us face the edges of our comfort zone. For me, walking through that reluctance and straight into those questions has led me to rediscover myself and my life again. It brought me back to what mattered most and increased my sense of happiness. You don’t need me, but I’m here for you if you’d like a daily place to land as you slowly make your way deeper into the void.

Each day I’ll land in your inbox and present you with 3 things:

Let me be clear in that you don’t need anyone or anything outside yourself to disconnect from social media in a meaningful way (truth is, disconnecting in any way at all is often revelatory). 

something to notice, witness, or observe

questions to reflect on at the end of the day

an action or practice to try

Do you feel confronted by facing the unknown? I did too.

Now, the question is: are you willing to walk towards the edges of your comfort zone so you can walk back into your own life?

You feel more invested in other people lives and have lost connection with and appreciation for your own.

You feel constantly distracted, numb, wired, or overwhelmed and desire to regain a sense of ease and enjoyment in your daily life.

DIS | CONNECT is for you if...

1  / 

2  / 

You feel disconnected from yourself, unsure of what you value anymore, and or even unclear about your interests, purpose, or direction.

3  / 

dis | connect

self DISCOVERY | inner REFLECTION | practical APPLICATION | spiritual INQUIRY | self DISCOVERY | inner REFLECTION | practical APPLICATION | spiritual INQUIRY | self DISCOVERY | inner REFLECTION | practical APPLICATION | spiritual INQUIRY | self DISCOVERY | inner REFLECTION | practical APPLICATION | spiritual INQUIRY |


inward // free


5 practices to help you get to know yourself

a self-paced exploration & audit to unlock. more clarity, meaning, & enjoyment within your motherhood experience

a practical framework for intentional and intuitive mothers to free themselves of the near constant weight of (in)decision fatigue so they can navigate their choices with clarity, steadiness, and confidence

the motherload // $89

a 90 min guided emotional release & refinement centered around self-acknowledgement and self-appreciation to put you back into a state of overflow

continue the

DIS | CONNECT // $29

a 7 day guided reset to disconnect from distraction & connect to what really matters

I have a particular taste for linen and denim, white walls and natural hues, clean lines and organic textures, coffee and wine, poetic words and inappropriate humor. My greatest desire is to live in artful expression of my human experience creating beauty in any way I can – from my own home to the outfits I put together to the digital homes I design to the words I write and share. As an intuitive and feeling-based designer and creative, I care deeply about doing justice to the heart-held visions of other creatives and small businesses so they may be felt and experienced by the people they are meant to reach.

Welcome! I'm Natalie –
a mother, writer, and an intuitive web designer bringing to life the beauty of the unseen.


Copyright 2024 Natalie Burrow Creative, LLC.