Somewhere between those two extremes – whether it's delivering the 17th snack of the day or running out the door to the next thing on the schedule – it can feel like you're just hanging on for the ride rather than being the one steering the boat. You know innately that what you're creating is meaningful for your kids, but does your experience of motherhood feel meaningful to you, too? Is it enjoyable? Do you feel clear in your direction, decisions, and dynamic?
When we feel uprooted and whiplashed by our lives, it's usually because we've lost our center. It's all too easy in modern day motherhood to accidentally leave ourselves behind in the desire to raise good humans, serve our families, & do all the things we're 'supposed' to do to create a good life.
immerse yourself
Each facet will look wildly different for each of us. The goal is not to create some illusory ideal or balance or across the facets – it's to create a unique sense of holistic harmony that will be specific to you and your life.
As a community, we'll audit The 5 Facets of Meaningful Motherhood:
immerse yourself
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