Initiating multidimensional mothers into their sovereignty, creativity, and authority.

written & visual storytelling / programs & experiences / brand & web design /

What you do desire is to feel a greater sense of ease, a deeper level of peace, and a more embodied feeling of ownership when it comes to the switching of the hats. You sense that your most liberated, true, expressed experience of being a woman is inextricably connected to the mother you feel called to be. On some level you might not even be fully conscious of, you intuitively understand that they are not mutually exclusive parts of yourself that exist at odds with one another, but that they actually exist in service of one another. But you also know deeply the frustrations and overwhelm that can accompany the reality of trying to reconcile all parts of yourself.

You are the wearer of many hats and, truthfully, you don't desire to wear just one.


You are a mother that is


It’s here I can allow myself to move more fluidly from moment to moment without clinging too tightly to expectations, identities, or storylines. It’s here I can expand in my capacity to hold multiple truths at once without judgement or shame. It’s here I can indulge in the feeling of being fully alive without making one end of the emotional spectrum wrong or unattainable. It’s here I can feel the wholeness of my humanity.

when i remember to embrace the dichotomous nature of motherhood is when i feel the most liberated within it.

The inside is what creates the outside.

beyond the explorations, frameworks, contemplations, practices, & learnings within each program, my offerings are an invitation to create a commitment to yourself.

Because the truth is, nothing outside of us is needed to know ourselves more deeply, access our intuition, and live a life aligned with what we value, cherish, and hold true. The tricky part is that in the modern pace of life, and particularly within the context of motherhood, it’s all too easy to feel caught in the current of life, totally disconnected for our true desires, and sometimes even disengaged from our own lfie.

This is the very reason I have invested in programs and mentors myself – because not only is the person a living embodiment if something I desire to learn or grow into myself, but the containment of a program or offer creates a commitment within me to pursue the thing I desire. Something in the calendar. A call to show up for. Someone to check in with. A portal to immerse in. A video to dip into. The investment of my time and money ensures that my gaze will be turned inward for an ongoing period of time.




DIS | CONNECT // $37

the motherload // $87


a practical framework for intentional and intuitive mothers to free themselves of the near constant weight of (in)decision fatigue so they can navigate their choices with clarity, steadiness, and confidence

a 7 day guided reset to disconnect from distraction & connect to what really matters

a self-paced exploration & audit to unlock. more clarity, meaning, & enjoyment within your motherhood experience

INWARD // free

a 90 min guided emotional release & refinement centered around self-acknowledgement and self-appreciation to put you back into a state of overflow

5 practices to help you get to know yourself







Copyright 2024 Natalie Burrow Creative, LLC.